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    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Crime House - HUNTER FOR SPIES

    Clip Description


    «Hey Ugine,

    I have watched my film a few times and I have to say fantastic job! Once again you have taken my idea and made it better. The quality acting, great use of different camera angles and taking the time to make sure each scene gets fully realized is what makes the things you do so amazing. Thanks to yourself and your team for making such a fine product in these challenging times.

    Take care!»

    Customer’s Review

    CAST: Annabelle, Bella Lenina, Max

    Fetish Elements

    Knocking Out, Stalking, Silent Attacks From Behind, Electroshock, Unconscious, Near To Be Dead, Limp Body, Carrying, Stripping, Lingerie, Killing, Death, Closed eyes death stares

    Two girls are sitting at their desks in an office wearing nice make up for the office, hair down, and red or dark nail and toenail polish. One girl is wearing a short skirt and a top with buttons opened very far and regular high heels, bare legs and sitting cross legged working with one high heel dangling off her bare foot. Her high heels would look something like this:

    The other girl is in a tight sweater dress (or any type of tight dress), bare legs and feet with strappy high heel sandals something like this.

    The girls looks at each other and get up to start searching the office for secrets to steal and sell. But little do they know the office is run by a criminal organization and the security guard is hiding there. As the short skirt girl moves into a different room the guy comes out of hiding and tazers her. She jumps a little bit and passes out to the floor. As she does one of her shoes comes off her bare foot and the other shoe is also shown to be partially off.

    The guy sneaks back to the other room and as the dress girl is one her toes looking in a top shelf he tazers her as well. She jumps and passes out into his arms. He picks up her in a his arms and she is hanging limp, totally unconscious. The camera goes up and down her body and gives a full view of her in his arms. The guy walks around a little as she dangles in his arms with the camera showing different angles. He looks for a place to lay her down and finding a good spot, he lays her out. He pats down her body looking for anything she stole. He takes her high heel sandels off her bare feet and checks the bottom of the high heels to see if anything is there. He then takes off her dress and strips her down to her underwear. Finding no evidence he goes to the other room where the other girl in the skirt is lying unconscious with one shoe off her bare foot and the other half on.

    He picks up the girl in the skirt into his arms. She is limp in his arms with one barefoot and the other high heel dangling off her foot. The camera goes up and down her body and gives a full view of her in his arms. The guy walks around a little as she hangs in his arms and as he does her last shoe falls off and she is now barefoot. He continues to walk around with her in his arms looking for a place to lay her down. Finding a spot he likes, her lays down and also pats her down again looking for anything she might have stole. He takes off her skirt and top, and strips her down to her underwear.

    Just as he finishes he hears the other girl start to wake up… he runs over and tazers her again and she passes out. Right when she is knocked out the other girl also begins to wake up, stands up and begins to stagger around. He rushes in and pushes her into the wall, banging her head on the wall. She gets knocked out and falls into his arms. He picks her up in his arms and she is limp in his arms. He walks around for a bit (with camera moving around her body, her head hanging back, her bare feet, and full view of her in his arms) and then carries her out of the office. He comes back in for the other girl, lifts her in his arms, walks around (also with camera moving around her body, her head hanging back, her bare feet, and full view of her in his arms) and then also carries her out of the office.


    Unconscious and DEAD!
    Nata Knock Out
    Evil Collector
    Death By Orgasm

    Clip Duration:      19 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4839.23 MB

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    Crime House - HUNTER FOR SPIES

    Crime House - HUNTER FOR SPIES

    Crime House - HUNTER FOR SPIES

    Crime House - HUNTER FOR SPIES

    Crime House - HUNTER FOR SPIES

    Crime House - HUNTER FOR SPIES

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